You can over dose your face with too many products (overmasking), hard to believe. We can strip our faces of natural oils which damage the barrier causing skin sensitivity.
Can you give your skin too much of a good thing? Your skin can react to overdoses of anti-aging, acids, scrubs, perfumed products, making it sensitive. Signs like redness, inflammation, stinging and tingling can flag sensitivity. Your skin could do with a thick slather of rich cream or balm to feed the stressed outer layers. Smooth the appearance of damaged cells as they shed, and support renewal. The more natural the better.
If you feel any of these symptoms, reflect on what you are using. If you are suspicious of a product stop using and see if the sensitivity clears up. During recovery time swap for a gentler product. If you feel like changing I recommend Organic Rosehip Rescue Balm. It is an intense balm with wild Rosehip known for reducing redness, dryness, and inflammation. It is perfect for repairing as an night time remedy. Or if your prefer to cool your sensitivity try Calm Face oil. A blend of organic plant based oils with reputations to reduce dryness which causes signs of aging, cool redness, and balance the oils on the skin to help with inflammation. First Aid for skin.
I know we can go overboard with the off the shelf products thinking the benefits will be greater the more we apply.
- Your skin needs a rest to recover.
- Skin is a living organ and needs to breath, needs moisture, nutrients and protection with gentle, mild, and kind skincare.
- Use products that provide soothing, without probable irritants, and contain natural beneficial oils in the ingredient list.
Keeping your face happy. xx