All About Face Oil Mention oil as a skincare ingredient and people think of greasy skin. I hear all sorts of things about using oils on your skin, especially your face. From “they block your pores” to ” they leave a greasy residue” to “oils are bad for your skin”. I want to dispel these misconceptions and tell you to embrace oils for your face. Plant Oils are the most ancient of skincare. Every indigenous civilization had their own beauty oils originating from flowers, nuts and seeds. Now the modern cosmetic scientists research plant oils for their properties in promoting skin health and wellness. Face oil formulations are finely tuned…
A word about F, the unknown hero Vitamin for Your face and in your beauty routine.
The first letter in FACE. Vitamins in skincare bring benefits, such as abilities of vitamin A – aka retinol works to help the skin produce collagen for a plumper and smoother complexion. Vitamin C which protects against the damaging effects of pollution, while Vitamin E is a rich antioxidant. So what benefit can vitamin F bring to your skin? What is Vitamin F Vitamin F is a term that refers to the combination of two essential free fatty acids: linoleic acid (LA) and linolenic acid (ALA) Vitamin F is an essential fatty acid from the omega-6 family. The F actually stands for FAT, which might not sound very enticing, but…
Making natural skincare to calm face sensitivity skin symptoms. My story- Berry and Blossom FACE
Beauty Panic My story started the day I walked into a chemist shop or high street store. I was so mesmerised by all the isles offering skincare products. From nail polish to high end exotic moisturising, anti aging super pots. This made me feel shy and intimidated because of my ignorance of the beauty scene. However this was I, who’s boyfriend’s mother said, “Ann Marie would you not wear some makeup?” Interest in Beauty I was 23 years old then and wore only blusher, eye shadow and mascara. My interest grew after buying the Vogue Beauty book and reading beauty magazines because I wanted to learn about beauty. I studied…
Life tips for Beautiful skin.
You are born with healthy skin but by the time you are twenty, you have been exposed to UV light, sun, weather conditions, cigarettes, fast food, dirty air, central heating, dehydration, alcohol, medications, fumes etc. All of which will impact on our skin. So how do we combat the damage and slow down the effects of living on our skin. We can treat our skin with antioxidants. Feed our skin barrier and restore the natural occurring acids, eg hyaluronic , linoleic, linolenic through clean moisturising. What we put on our skin will be absorbed by our skin and enter our inside, so remember to reach for the purest as possible…
The benefits of Rose Water for your face, and other uses, make your own.
Rose water is simply a perfumed water. It is made by distilling the petals of the rose with steam, or steeping the petals in water. This creates a Rose scented water whose essence benefits skin. Rose Water has been hailed as a cooling, kind skin spray, toner, and tonic for all faces. I’ve discovered there’s a pretty simple way to make it. Here I will share my recipe and method of making your own at home. I have added vegetable glycerin to add emollient, but this is not essential for you to add. Other ideas is Aloe Vera juice from the plant, cucumber water from squeezed pulp. However…
Skin Sensitivity and simplifying your Skincare routine.
You can over dose your face with too many products (overmasking), hard to believe. We can strip our faces of natural oils which damage the barrier causing skin sensitivity. Can you give your skin too much of a good thing? Your skin can react to overdoses of anti-aging, acids, scrubs, perfumed products, making it sensitive. Signs like redness, inflammation, stinging and tingling can flag sensitivity. Your skin could do with a thick slather of rich cream or balm to feed the stressed outer layers. Smooth the appearance of damaged cells as they shed, and support renewal. The more natural the better. If you feel any of these symptoms, reflect on…